iPod Shuffle - mini review
How cool are these things? The new iPod Shuffle from Apple is a wonder. They look amazing, and you just don't realise how small they are until you're holding one. They really are something special. From their oh-so-small form factor to their specific dock, they are a mini marvel. Apparently they're demand is out-stripping supply in the US, I had no problem at all ordering direct from the Apple UK site, ordered on Monday, with engraving and it was being delivered on Wednesday morning - impressive, despite Apple predicting it wouldn't ship for at least a week.
With a cool to the touch, brushed metal feel, a strong clasp and simple interface this really is a great feeling product. Lightweight, naturally, it clips onto your clothing easily and within moments you forget its even there - except of course for the rather excellent sound quality. The standard iPod headphones seem to have improved over previous versions, I found my Sennheiser CX300 performed as well as on the Shuffle as I would have expected from my 60Gb iPod Photo.
The Shuffle charges through USB. The indicator lights on the unit go from Green to Orange depending on charge state. There's a very definite off switch on the unit as well as a shuffle switch, you can play your songs back in the order they are on the iPod or have them shuffled. Loading content is done through iTunes 7 and the interface is childlike simple. Choose the whole music library or a specific playlist to Autofill content from or you can add songs individually, by album or playlist with simple drag and drop.The iPod docks upside down, impaling itself through the phono port onto the dock. Personally I found it a little fiddly to dock, mostly due to its small size, but you can't have tiny and then complain its too small.
The transfer speed is what you'd expect and seemed to autofill quickly enough. For easy pick up and go music, if your computer's on its a pretty swift operation before you leave the house.The packaging from Apple really is raising the bar. They are forcing other manufacturers to up their game - evident in the now ubiquitous unboxing sites all over the web. Delivered in a translucent, plastic sarcophagus, this little treasure hovers mid-packaging. Remove the plastic seal at the top and the front falls down to reveal your spoils.
Simple operation cards accompany the Shuffle, making it great introductory iPod, especially for the older generation. I can even see people picking these up as 2nd iPods for exercising with. 240 song capacity, Mac and PC, in a super-small package - an obvious christmas stocking filler.
If you haven't checked out the brilliant TV ad its up on the Apple site now.
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