Monday, 4 June 2007

The iPhone cometh

If you live in the US, June 29th is the day you'll be able to get your hands on an iPhone, the most anticipated gadget of the year, if not ever. Apple announced the date in some new ads that aired yesterday on US TV.

The hype machine is in overdrive and some rumours suggest that even Apple themselves are worried the device won't be able to live up to the massive buzz that has been generated since Steve Jobs announced the breakthrough device at Macworld in January.

Having watched the ads, I still think the iPhone looks pretty amazing and I can't wait to see the first reviews from people that get their hands on one. But will the touch screen be as good as it looks, will the battery life be decent enough, will it even work well as a phone?

Don't forget this is Apple's first attempt at a mobile phone and they don't always get things right first go. Look at the first few generations of iPod for example and their battery problems and more recently with the iPod nano screen scratching debacle.

But they've had a pretty long lead time with the iPhone and haven't had to keep it secret since January, so they should have been able to iron things like that out by now.

Nevertheless, I expect there will be some kind of backlash/disappointment but it won't stop it from selling shed loads and I still can't wait to get my hands on one.

Roll on the European release later in the year.

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